Bouquet Subscriptions



TFK Bouq Subs

Treat yourself or a loved one to a bouquet subscription for the Spring/Summer.  I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be offering CSA bouquet subscriptions for every 2 weeks starting in May.


Your subscription gets you responsibly-farmed seasonal flowers – not the commercially-grown flowers you’ll find in the supermarket that are loaded with chemicals and preservatives.  As the season moves along, our bouquets will evolve with everything from spring tulips to summer celosias, and then wrap-up in Autumn with beautiful Dahlias.  Expect the bouquets to be a medium size that will fit most vases in your home/ business.  Your bouquet will be wrapped in kraft paper and/or placed in a mason jar for pickup (pickup times and instructions will be provided via email in the spring), ready for you to design to your liking.  With water changes and stem trims, some of your flowers can last up to 2 weeks.


Want to learn more?  Click right HERE



Check out the gallery below for examples:


A BOUQUET SUBCRIPTION MAKES A GREAT GIFT: Christmas/ Birthday/ Valentine’s Day/ Mother’s Day!