2025 Bouquet Subscription C.S.A.


The 2025 Bouquet Subscription will include 12 total bouquets, every 2 weeks, starting in mid-May available for pickup at our location in Clinton Township.


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Join in now, for $198.00 (That’s only $16.50 each) *Plus tax*

‘CSA’ stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and this means your subscription acts as an investment in the 2025 flower season for the farm.  It is a great way to support a small local business, and feed your own flower obsession with fresh locally-gown beauties for your home or business.  The Flower Kitten’s 2025 Bouquet Subscription will include 12 total bouquets, every 2 weeks, starting in mid-May available for pickup at our location in Clinton Township.

As the season moves along, our bouquets will evolve with everything from spring tulips to summer celosias, and then wrap-up in Autumn with beautiful Dahlias.  Expect the bouquets to be a medium size that will fit most vases in your home/ business.  Your bouquet will be wrapped in kraft paper and/or placed in a mason jar for pickup (pickup times and instructions will be provided via email in the spring), ready for you to design to your liking.

Besides supporting a local biz, you are also exercising sustainability by purchasing organically-grown local flowers (instead of imported, goods full of chemicals), and showing off your beautiful blooms to guests.  Got a local business/shop?  This is a great, affordable way to display fresh flowers all summer long.

With water changes and stem trims, some of your flowers can last up to 2 weeks.

Know someone who would love to have a new fresh bouquet 2x a month?  Let’s do it as a gift- just let us know via email when you buy your subscription.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us for more info: woernerevents@gmail.com

Pickup Info

This subscription is pickup only (Clinton Twp, MI).  We have a no-contact pickup system in place.

A few days prior to bouquet availability, you will receive an email informing you of available pickup days.  These are typically weekends (Thursday-Sundays), but if you will be out of town or need an alternate pickup day/time, just contact us via email to make arrangements.

If this subscription is a gift, please make sure that your recipient is aware of the pickup policy.

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